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About the Plan

East Hampton Village is updating its Comprehensive Plan, which will outline the community's priorities for the next 10 years and beyond. This plan will guide decisions on land use, development, capital spending, and general policy direction, addressing a range of interconnected topics such as housing, quality of life, economic development, environmental and historic resources, transportation, community services, and sustainability.


The Comprehensive Plan will reflect changes that have taken place since the prior plan was adopted in 2002. It also builds on recent planning initiatives undertaken by the Village, Town, County and others. Links to relevant planning documents can be found on the documents page. The planning process, expected to last about 12 months, will be overseen by a Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC) made up of a diverse group of East Hampton residents with deep knowledge of community and planning issues. A consultant team, BFJ Planning, will lead the effort in close coordination with Town staff.

We need your help!

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Input from the community is an essential way to learn and begin to address priority issues and opportunities. The public will have several opportunities to get involved, including virtual surveys, in-person workshops, and public hearings once a draft plan is ready. To stay informed, please subscribe for updates (below).

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